Saturday, August 20, 2011


It's bad to drive when you're so sloshed you can't stand up straight.

It's really bad to hit a parked car when you're so sloshed you can't stand up straight.

It's extra bad when that parked car you've just hit (while sloshed and unable to stand up straight) belongs to the cop that just got out a minute ago to ticket someone else.

It's even worse when you don't just hit that parked cop car, but go all out and total it while flipping your car.

Oh, but it's the worst when that cop happens to be the city police chief.

And when said police chief asks you in the ER if you think your alcohol intake has affected your driving tonight, and you respond, "oh no chief, I've driven way worse than this before."

Yes, you're fucked.

1 comment:

NPO said...

Sounds like a bad episode of COPS