Friday, August 3, 2012


Remember that time I got a job in New England? Yeah. I show up for work Monday morning. Eeep. I've kinda liked unemployment - wake up when I want, go on vacation when I want, be productive when I want - or not at all...all great things. And then I looked at my bank account, and was like "oh snap, I should probably go back to work soon." Apparently, one needs money to buy the appropriate amounts of vacation supplies. Who knew.

So here I am. All my crap is packed up in the car, and I hit the road at the crack of dawn tomorrow. I plan to swing through the ER on my way out of town to say goodbye one last time, and most likely cry one last time too. My best friend (paper towels) is riding up with me to help with the unpacking and inevitable Target shopping when I've realized how much I left behind.

This is it. New era in life. It's overwhelming. A good overwhelming, but a lot to take in. Whew. Whew. Ready, set, go.


  1. Be safe as you travel; your new job has a wonderful surprise awaiting them in you. Best of luck. Hope that Target is close by-for a giant store they do a bang-up job, don;t they?

  2. Safe travels! If you're ever in the Boston area, give me a buzz.
