Thursday, February 6, 2020

The Good Fight

Y'all, I'm still here fighting the good fight. We're standing strong against the dumb dumbs of the ER world, but the battle rages on without an end in sight.

Last night, a lady brings her very old grandpa with a very obviously broken tib fib up into the ER drive. She parks the car and walks in to ask for help with getting him out of the car. A few of us grab a wheelchair and head out, but she hesitated in the lobby instead of joining us back at the car. She nervously looked around, and then finally marches back up to the triage desk. "I'm going to take him somewhere else. There's so many people here wearing masks. I don't want him to get that coronavirus!"

She then comes out to the car, stops us from getting him out of the backseat, and tells him "okay grandpa, we're going somewhere else without any of these sick people!" Poor dude looked like he was about to cry, but there was no arguing with her as she sped away. People, man.


  1. That's great fodder for pleasant dreams, "A hospital without sick people."

  2. And that is why I am so glad I retired. Tired of idiots.
