Wednesday, August 26, 2020


I love it when a plan comes together! A nice guy getting admitted tonight didn't get a chance to order a meal tray before the kitchen closed. He asked me if we had "carrots or something else" to eat. Since carrots aren't a standard snack in the ER, I offered him graham crackers and pudding.

The patient next door did order a meal tray, but decided to AMA before it was delivered. When nutrition brought it up he was already gone, but obviously all the nurses descended on the tray to see if there was anything good on it. When we opened it, it was ALL CARROTS!

Imagine that! One guy left AMA like he wanted, one guy got a tray of random-ass carrots, and I got the dessert cookie off the tray as a finder's fee. Everyone wins!


Oldfoolrn said...

I used to love those silver linings that popped up in the day to day depressing business of nursing. I feel happy just imagining that patient happily chomping on his carrots. I hope you are doing well. You youngsters have a far more challenging working environment than OFRNs like me.

Shash said...
