Wednesday, September 2, 2020

An Accord

"I'm sorry!" the security guard whispered to me. The security guard who was called to help calm down the grouchiest, grumpiest, Clint-Eastwood-get-off-my-lawn old man ever. This crotchety guy had sprung a Plavix nosebleed while recovering on our rehab floor from open heart surgery, and was obstinate enough that the rehab staff was just spinning their wheels trying to stop the bleeding.

Two hours later, he finally demands to come down to the ER. So now he's pissed off, grouchy, tired from being two weeks post-CABG, and COVERED in blood. He's cussing everyone, horking up giant blood clots, and generally refusing to hold pressure on his nose long enough to at least attempt to stop the bleeding. This attitude has already caused his rehab nurse to wish him gone, the security officer to apologize to me, and the rapid response team to make apology-eyes at me when dropping him off in my ER room.

Maybe I was feeling more charitable than usual, or maybe I'm getting nicer, but he and I somehow came to an accord as I was starting his IV. At first poke, he goes "OHGAWDAMMITIKNEWYOUWEREGONNAMISSIT and accused me of enjoying making him hurt. I responded with "what the hell dude? Why are you cussing me, when I'm already done with your IV? Which I got, by the way." He then apologized for his mouth, and I told him I wasn't sorry for doing my job and that he doesn't need to apologize for cussing, just for cussing AT me. He just sighed and goes "it's been a hell of a month."

We then talked about his surgery, the hospital food, where we've each lived in this country, and general frustrations with healthcare. He was still grouchy and never what I'd call pleasant, but it was clear that he was just fed up with being sick and in the hospital. He apologized again for being a turd, and I was able to gently let him know that acting like said turd will in fact make his stay more difficult, longer, and less pleasant. He seemed to take that to heart, and even managed to give me a little smile and a goodbye wave as he went back upstairs. Whether he continued to terrorize the rehab floor staff, I'll never know. But I hope not!

1 comment:

Shash said...

Always a win when you can get a frustrated person to listen.