Tuesday, October 24, 2023

October 24

I successfully ran a rapid infuser during a trauma the other day, and a coworker was surprised it was my first time ever running that particular one. Which was extremely unexpected, because I felt very unsure of myself and had lots of questions and needed to troubleshoot some issues.

Anyway, I've been going through the blog archive posts and deleting some old ones that are either irrelevant to nursing or just extremely embarrassing (GOSH I was a dramatic child at the age of 25) and the first one I came across today deals with a well-documented thing called Impostor Syndrome. Good to know I felt the same way in Ye Olde Times of 2009. I got over it, and it's good to know that I did it once and can do it again.


  1. Old school rapid infusers were manually driven by hand cranking. My overzealous cranking disconnected the crank during a wild and wooly trauma and my coworkers had new respect for me (NOT) They even nicknamed me foolzilla!

  2. My previous facility had the Level 1 machine and it was trashhhhh. My thoughts and prayers were usually more effective than it was. I'd have gladly taken the hand crank rapid infuser over that one! Also, what a hilarious mental image of getting out of hand and taking the handle right off of one.
