Monday, November 24, 2008

NRD positive

I've been suffering from a conglomeration of symptoms for a long time. I can quote movies like a champ, read an 800 page novel in one sitting, and reference fantastical characters in almost any conversation. I've been suspicious about these symptoms, and finally determined the cause! It's true: I'm NRD positive. A recent DNA test showed that I have the occasional genetic mutation where my base pairs of A-T and G-C are replaced with N-E and R-D. I'm glad I finally have an answer for why I'm so uncontrollably dorky.

And speaking of nerdiness, I went to see the Twilight movie this weekend with my friend Kaley. It was the most cheesetastically awful movie I've seen in a long time, and I'm slightly embarrassed to admit that I kind of loved it. From the power ranger special effects to the Bonne Bell glitter (original witty remark provided by Kaley) make up to the clunky acting, I loved it.

I think this is because I'm genetically unable to dislike anything nerdy. By all rights I should have been disowning this terrible movie, but somehow I can't. This movie bypassed "bad movie" and went straight to "so awful it's awesome," and I can't do anything but like it.

Not gonna lie, I'll definitely own this on DVD when it comes out, and I might even see it again in theatres. Kaley, you doing anything this weekend?

And guess what?! The new GnR album is out...was I too young to appreciate the original glory that was Appetite for Destruction and Use Your Illusion? Yes. Did I make up for lost time? You betcha. Have I already bought Chinese Democracy? Hell yeah!


Braden said...

"It was the most cheesetastically awful movie I've seen in a long time, and I'm slightly embarrassed to admit that I kind of loved it."

"This movie bypassed "bad movie" and went straight to "so awful it's awesome," and I can't do anything but like it."

Not the most ringing endorsement I have ever heard...

This is kind of like my opinion of the NauseaVomiters who come in the ER. I hate the smell and the whining, but I love that they take up a bed for a couple hours with little intervention required so that I can spend more time taking care of real patients

Robert said...

I was afraid the movie might be that bad. I think I'll just wait for DVD. Go Netflix!

I've got to read the books first anyway.

L said...

Yeah, it was that awesomely bad! And this was definitely a movie where if you hadn't read the book, you'd be scratching your head in confusion through the whole thing.

Nick and Kaley said...

Aren't you going to quote me on the bonne bell glitter comment?

And the answer is no. Always no.