Monday, December 19, 2011

Knowledge and experience

You know, I recently had a series of rather interesting things happen in my work life, which has resulted in me taking a part-time charge nurse position in the ER (um, holy crap!) and various factions of the trauma surgeon department thinking I know what I'm doing 99% of the time.

In reality, I am quite overwhelmed. I don't know how I went from shiny new nurse to okay nurse to preceptor to prn charge. I really feel like most of the time I'm just winging it and I've got everyone fooled. In fact, I remember writing about that exact thought not so long ago. Funny thing is I really haven't come far since that particular moment, at least in my own opinion.

To sum it up nicely, this is exactly how I feel:


Lynda Halliger Otvos (Lynda M O) said...

I have a ten-year old grandson and still think I am faking it sometimes and how can anyone trust me !~! but year after year we have remained steadfast (you and me, I mean here) and been able to sustain the illusion long enough that it has become reality. Good for you, Sunshine, Hugs aplenty.

Solitary Diner (Also Known as The Frugalish Physician) said...

I read the cartoon before reading your post, and it completely reminded me of my experiences as a ward senior right now. I think the feeling of being overwhelmed is pretty universal in healthcare!

Jessica Ellis said...

Fake it 'til ya make it, eh? Yeah, I'm with you. I think most of the confident-appearing nurses really have a constant secret pucker-factor going on. I've been in nursing 12 years now, ER, CVICU, NICU, ECMO...all hard-core....and I still don't know what I'm doin'. Cheers--here's to learning something new every day!

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Dana said...

New nurse or not, I think not knowing how you got "there" (wherever that may be!) is something that describes nurses everywhere! I graduated and will go from PICU RN to PICU APN in the new year...and I CERTAINLY don't know how I got there! Oh boy!!! Here's to "faking it" together though!

Mabel said...

I'm in nursing school and this is how I feel every day! I can't imagine when I start working X.X