Sunday, November 15, 2020

November 15

It's 0200 and I can't sleep, so after rolling around in bed for a few hours I finally decided to get up, have a cup of ginger turmeric tea, and kill some time. So here I am!

It's been a beautiful few weeks of fall here in Texas, so last weekend my husband and I drove a few hours to Dinosaur Valley State Park. It was an absolutely perfect day. The sun was shining, the weather was crisp, and the dinosaur tracks were cool as hell. I'm excited to come back there one day in the summer and go swimming. Anyway, here's some pictures!


COVID has me scared again. I'm guessing that's why I can't sleep right now, but it's hard to drift off when the realities of things are bouncing around in my head. Our ER is understaffed due to high volume/sick coworkers/people calling out when they get overwhelmed. Every shift is busy and more often than not we're holding dozens of patients because there's no beds in house. Everyone has COVID. Nurses in various departments are calling safe harbor because it's so packed, and everyone is really sick. It's exhausting. I didn't expect people to actually listen to science and wear masks, stop going out to bars, and having giant family gatherings - but it's just disheartening and exhausting to deal with the fallout from it day after day with no end in sight. 

My immediate solution is to take ALL THE HIKING DAY TRIPS and also BUY ALL THE PLANTS and also RUN ALL THE 5Ks. So far, so good.

1 comment:

Oldfoolrn said...

Your courage and concern for others in the face of COVID threats is inspirational.