Wednesday, April 21, 2021

April 21

Good lord y'all, springtime got away from me there. It's been a busy few weeks since the last post. 

Work We're pretty firmly out of the winter COVID surge and back to our normal baseline, although the number of positive tests has been creeping back up the past week or so. I'm not sure whether or not I need to feel crushing panic and anxiety again like I did in the winter, but I'm cautious and hesitant to let myself feel too optimistic OR terrible. I've been feeling like things are better with vaccinations, but there's so many people out there who are just refusing to get one that I fear we'll never actually move past COVID.

I've been going to therapy which has been immensely helpful for me. I think part of the ability to not get paralyzed with anxiety and depression has been directly related to this, and the other part is the fact that springtime is fully upon us. The better weather, being outdoors in sunshine, and digging in my garden has done so much good. I honestly feel like a better person than I was six months ago, at least when it comes to dealing with all the shit going on.

We've had a couple of awful deaths in the ER recently, and normally that would send me into an ever-increasing cycle of anxiety but this time around it's been more manageable. Here's hoping I can continue to improve on my coping skills!

In other news, I get to see my family again in ONE week! I haven't seen them for nine months, and that's the longest I've ever gone in my life without them. But next Thursday I get to see them, finally. Both of my parents will be fully vaccinated by then, my brother and his fiancee are both vaccinated (one with both shots, the other with his first - although he had COVID late last year so hopefully still has some protection from it), and the couple of people I'll see have also been vaccinated. It's encouraging. We're still obviously going to be safe, and socially distance from the general public, but it will be amazing to just be in my parent's house again after so long.

Someone has to keep my plants alive while I'm gone though, so I'm gonna have to write up a watering schedule for my husband. Here's some pictures of my garden!

*more to come later today after I've taken some updated pictures

Updated: here's the full garden pictures!

1 comment:

Oldfoolrn said...

Your garden is off to a bountiful start! My tomatoe babies are only 3-4 inches tall but, of course it snowed here in Pittsburgh last week. The tomatoes are snuggly warm in their hot box, but the growing conditions are less than optimal.

I'm so glad you are reuniting with your family. We saw my sister-in-law last week for her birthday for the first time in a year and it was joyous. People just aren't intended to live so isolated. Our ancient primate ancestors who isolated didn't survive so we don't have their DNA.